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Kratos Power Articles > Suggested Outline for a Business Plan

19 Jun 2009

I. Company Description / Overview

     A. Nature of Business

          1. Individuals being served / their needs
          2. Why your area?

     B. Your Distinctive Competencies (primary factors that will lead to your success)

          1. Superior customer need satisfaction
          2. Production/service delivery efficiencies
          3. Personnel
          4. Geographic location

II. Market Analysis

     A. Target Markets

          2. Geographic location
          3. Seasonal/cyclical trends

     B. Competition

          1. Identification
          2. Strengths (competitive advantages)
          3. Weaknesses (competitive disadvantages)

III. Products and Services

     A. Detailed Product/Service Description (from the user's perspective)

          1. Specific benefits of product/service
          2. Ability to meet needs
          3. Competitive advantages

IV. Marketing and Sales Activities

     A. Overall Market Strategy

          1.Market penetration strategy

               a. Intended means (including Advertising, promotion, printed matter, etc.)

          2. Growth Strategy

V. Management and Ownership

     A. Management Staff Structure
     B. Key Managers (including self)

          1. Name
          2. Position
          3. Primary responsibilities and authority
          4. Primary responsibilities and authority with previous employers
          5. Unique skills and experiences that add to your company's distinctive              competencies.

     C. Legal Structure of the Business

VI. Organization and Personnel

     A. Recruitment procedures
     B. Staffing levels

John Troland
Credit Card Processing