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Kratos Power Articles > 12 Ways to Thank Your Customers: Client Appreciation Strategies You Can Use Year-Round

Client Appreciation Strategies You Can Use Year-Round
19 Jun 2009

One note of caution: some companies and industries have strict guidelines about accepting gifts. This is especially true of media professionals and government workers. Gifts can be construed as bribes so when in doubt, ask your clients if such policies exist or stick to sending items with no monetary value.


Following are client appreciation strategies that can help you cultivate client retention.


1. Greeting Cards

The Guinness Book of World Records lists Joe Girard, a car salesman from Detroit, as the world’s best salesman. Girard earned the honor by selling 18 cars in a single day. One of his secrets to success is sending 12 cards per year to every single customer and prospect. There are dozens of major and minor holidays throughout the year and each provides a great reason to send a card.


2. Personal Notes

Thoughtful and unexpected thank you notes can be sent after client appointments, following a purchase or whenever a client has done anything deserving some appreciation. While sending an e-mail may be quick and easy, you will make a better impression by sending a note in the mail.


3. Invitations

Though it is important to recognize all of your clients, it is just as important to pay extra attention to your top clients. Spending time together outside of the office gives you a chance to cultivate the relationship by getting to know each other better (in the sales world, this is called “face time”). Consider inviting your top contacts to lunch, dinner, sporting events, charity functions or other events where you can spend time together.

Stephanie Chandler
Credit Card Processing